2 Days
This two day crash course is designed to teach the basics of shooting and editing video content for social media.
Want to become a YouTuber producing professional looking video content, or post quality content on Facebook, Vimeo, Twitter or Snap Chat? This course will teach you the necessary basic concepts and practical skills.
Day one teaches the basics of planning a production and shooting content, based on producing talking head interviews, Pieces to Camera, features and promos. It covers using video camera technology, framing shots, recording good sound and using basic lighting / using existing available light. There is also advice on interview techniques and formulating good questions.
Day 2 and 3 is focused on editing content and optimising for social media. Including an introduction to video editing software; using Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro or Divinci Resolve.
FAQ Section Subtitle
Any one wishing to shoot video content for delivery via social media.
No previous knowledge is required.
Day 1:
Pre - Production & Production
Pre Production
Pre-production thinking & the paperwork that you produce from it
Outline, treatment
Production schedule

Production checklist
Kit overview and recommendation
Skill of the Interviewer
Closed & Open questions
Best Practice
Importance of technical quality:
Good sound
Good lighting
White balance
Using a tripod
Good Shots
Framing Shots
The Rule of Thirds & Balance
Shot Composition
Acquiring appropriate Illustrative Material
Shooting B Roll, GV’s / Cutaways
How to Use the Manual Focus
Depth of Field, Pull focus
Controls: Iris, Shutter
, Gain
, Lens angle
White Balance
Setting up for an interview
Basic Lighting Set-up
Best Prtactice
Shooting outdoors
Shooting Indoors
3 point lighting set up
Using Different mics
Best practice
Day2 : Editing / Post Production
Ingest Footage & Edit 3 min feature package
Learn basics of Premiere Pro interface
Digitising / ingesting Footage
Organising Media / file management
Overview of Premiere Pro Interface
Organising Clips
Skimming & Playing Clips
Marking Clips
Creating a rough Cut
Editing to the Timeline
Insert & Overwrite Edits
Playing and Viewing a sequence: The Programme monitor
Viewing audio wave form
Refining a rough Cut
Reordering a sequence
Trimming clips
Splicing clips
Creating breathing Space
Normalising audio levels for Dialogue
Adding Additional Audio & Mixing/ adjusting audio levels
Day3: Editing & Optimisation
Adding Cut away Shots
Trimming Cut Away Shots
Refining a Sequence
Creating Split Edits
Fading Audio
Fading Video
Adding basic video & audio transitions
Adding basic video effects
Basic Colour Correction
Adding captions & Titles
Exporting a movie
Optimisation for YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook
Optimisation for Twitter and SnapChat