2 Days
Use of video cameras has become both cheaper & much more widespread. From home use to professional use, our 2 day basic video production course, will give you a crash course in shooting and editing basics.
Day 1 teaches the essentials of using a camera, planning a shoot, interview techniques, framing shots and lighting and sound recording.
Day 2 covers the process of basic video editing, using Adobe Premiere Pro or Apple Final Cut Pro.
Any one wishing to use a video camera & obtain professional looking results, whatever the nature of the video shoot should attend this course.
No previous knowledge of video production or camera skills are required.
Day 1:
Basic Video Production:
The Thinking Process
• Audience, purpose, content style.
Pre Production
Pre-production thinking & the paperwork that you produce from it
Outline, treatment
Shooting script
Camera & lighting plan
Production schedule

Production checklist
Production checklist
Importance of technical quality:
Good sound
Good lighting
White balance
Using a tripod
Good Shots
Well framed
Balanced composition relevant / neutral background
Shoot optimum amount storyboard
Logging Shots
Appropriate Illustrative Material
B Roll, GV’s / Cutaways
Establishing shot
Get as many cutaways as possible
Relevant cut-aways
Think in sequences of shots
Close Ups
Camera Shots:
Long Shot, Wide Shot
Mid Shot, Medium Close Up, Close Up, Extreme Close Up
Camera Moves
• Pans, Tilts, Zooms, Tracking Shot, Dolly Shot , Sweep 

Framing Shots
The Rule of Thirds & Balance Compostition
Crossing The Line
Soft, SharpDepth of Field, Pull
How to Use the Manual Focus
Adjust focus ring
Camera Controls
Iris, Shutter
, Gain
, Lens angle (zoom), Camera filter
Neutral Density (ND)
White Balance
Setting up for an interview
Basic Lighting Set-up
Shooting outdoors
Shooting Indoors
Handheld mic, Omnidirectional, Bidirectional, Unidirectional
Boom Mic
Radio Clip Mic
Built in camera mic
Traps to avoid
Skill of the Interviewer
Closed & Open questions
Making the interviewee feel at easy
Repeating questions
Logging the shots
Practice Shooting Vox Pops / Interview / B Roll
Day 2:
Editing / Post Production
Ingest Footage & Edit 2 min news package
Based on Interview / Vox Pops content
Learn basics of Premiere Pro interface & Editing Process
Digitising Footage
Overview of Premiere Pro Interface
Organising Clips in Project Window
Skimming & Playing Clips
Marking Clips in the Source Monitor
Basic keyboard short cuts
Creating a rough Cut
Editing to the Timeline
Insert & Overwrite Edits
Playing and Viewing a sequence: The Programme monitor
Viewing audio wave form
Refining a rough Cut
Reordering a sequence
Trimming clips using The Ripple Tool
The razor Blade Tool / splicing clips
Creating breathing Space
Normalising audio levels for Dialogue
Adding Additional Audio & Mixing/ adjusting audio levels
Adding Cut away Shots
Trimming Cut Away Shots
Creating Split Edits
Fading Audio
Fading Video
Adding basic video & audio transitions
Adding captions & Titles
Exporting a movie